What is mental health?
Mental health is defined as a certain level of psychological balance and mental well- being, it is also defined as the absence of a mental illness or a psychological disorder. It is the state of someone who is functioning at a satisfactory level of emotional and behavioral adjustment.

Why is mental health an important topic?
An individual's mental health is an important topic as it affects all possible spheres of their lives. It affects a person's daily activities, all their relationships as well as their emotional state and physical health. It includes the well- being of our emotional. psychological and social state. It is one of the main factors that affect how a person feels, thinks and act in their surroundings. It is also a determinant on how we relate with others, make life choices, handle stress and tension and get motivated for the things that we do. Mental health is an important factor that effects every single stage of our life, from childhood to adulthood. It is an important subject as having a healthy mental state of mind will lead us to having a healthy life.
What can be done to have a healthy mental state of mind?

1. Talk about your feelings:
In the times of distress talking about your problems with a close friend, family member or seeking the advice of a professional ( like a therapist ) can help you. Talking about your feeling will help you in finding and understanding a way of dealing with them. It will make you feel less burdened and emotional. You will be able to recognize how you feel in a situation and will be able to take the necessary decisions accordingly.
2.Keep active:
Regular exercise can make you happy and boost your self-esteem and confidence level as well. According to a scientific research exercising is a natural and effective anti-anxiety treatment. This is due to the fact that while exercising our body releases heavy amounts of endorphin ( feel - good chemicals ) which triggers a positive feeling in the body, similar to that of the drug morphine. Exercising will give you a better focus, make you happy and give you a better sleep at night.

3. Eat well:
Our brain needs specific nutrients to function properly and stay healthy. A good diet gives our brain a good focus as well as a better attention span. It makes us alert and more perceptive of our environment. Eating a regulated and balanced diet will make you feel good about your physical health which will boost your confidence and in turn your mental health.
4. Drink sensibly:
People often take the help of alcoholic drinks to change their mood, but the effects are always temporary. Consuming large amounts of alcohol simply to make your mood better will always result in making you feel worse due to the manner in which it has affected your body and brain. Instead try having a glass of fresh juice or an adequate amount of water as it will flush out the toxins from your body and make you feel better.
5. Keep in touch:
Keeping the lines of communication with your near and dear ones is a good way of focusing on something outside your mind. Human beings are social animals so communicating with other people gives us a sense of belonging. If you cannot catch up with someone face to face then leave them a note, text them or simply call them; it will make you feel good.

6.Ask for help:
Keeping your feelings locked up inside you will make you feel low and burdened, Instead talk to someone and seek help if you feel that you cannot control your emotions and cope up with your current situations. Even a slightest action of someone offering you a listening ear will make you feel cared for. If you do not have anyone to talk to then search up the international helplines and ask for help ( they work 24/7).
7. Take a break:
Always try pausing all your tasks for a two-minute breather. Constantly working will make you feel overwhelmed and frustrated. A change of in your working pace and scenery will effect your brain and make life less monotonous. Give yourself a few minutes to de-stress on a daily basis. If you like you can meditate or simply walk around the place in this time.

8. Do something that makes you happy:
Doing something that you enjoy and which makes you feel free can boost the serotonin, oxytocin, endorphin and dopamine level in your body. The release of these chemicals in your body promotes positive feelings like pleasure and happiness. Enjoying yourself can make you feel less stressed and tensed.
9.Accept who you are:
All of us are different and unique in our own ways. Accepting your personality and being confident in your decision will boost your self-esteem. Once you start the process of accepting yourself little by little, you will stop caring about everybody's opinion on you. You will realize that your life is yours to live and you will only be happy if you spend it according to your perspective and decisions.

How can one help to remove the stigma around the topic of mental ?
Here are a couple of things that everyone can do to help:
DO NOT GENDARIZE MENTAL ILLNESS. Everyone feels low. Be it a boy or a girl. Just make them feel comfortable and support them while they seek help.
Openly talk about the topic of mental health. Discuss it with the people around you. Doing this can give somebody else the confidence to speak up about their problems and seek advice.
Educate yourself as well as other about the topic. Read studies, books and articles relating to mental well- being.
Be aware and conscious of your language around everyone. Try not using words that might trigger some possible memories or bad feeling for someone.
Try to make people understand that mental health is as important a factor in someone's life as their physical health.
Be compassionate and careful for the people who are mentally unwell. Make them feel loved and do your bit to keep them happy.
Make people with mental illnesses feel empowered instead of shaming them and calling them incapable.
If you are undergoing treatment then try to share your story with others and be honest about it. Do not let others pull you down simply because you are trying to make your health better. Maybe after seeing you be confident about your process of better someone else might have the courage to do the same for themselves.
Talk back, report comments or give somebody a piece of your mind if the are being stigmatizing. Do not promote posts on social media that show or support even the mildest of rude behavior toward people who are mentally un-well.

Always try doing your bit if you feel that something is unfair or unjust. Speak up if you feel helpless and support people who are going through a hard time. All it takes to make a person happy is the smallest gesture of sitting down and talking with them. Try being there for people even when you do not really feel affectionate towards them. If you do not like someone then do not wish ill- luck upon then. Instead wish them a happy and healthy life and move on. Try being polite and genuine with your actions; you never know when something might cause deep damage to somebody. So as a request to whoever is reading this: please be conscious of what you do or say because everything that you attempt in life does affect somebody in a positive or negative manner.

Have a good day!
Well done!
Really helpful! Reading this made me understand the importance of taking a step back sometimes and thinking. Also read some points i wasn't aware of, a must read!