Androgynous fashion is a clothing and accessorizing method that was created to avoid blatant distinction between physical characteristics of a male or a female and to express and promote non-binary gender identity. This type of clothing makes an attempt at blending the distinctions between gender specific clothing and avoiding gender stereotypes.
Clothing is a way of expressing oneself without the boundaries of gender stereotypes. It is an outlet for discovering your true identity and growing with the process.
What do you think happens when you judge a person for their clothing? What does it feel like to be caught in the never ending cycle of gender stereotypes? I will tell you what it most probably feels like: like you are a cat caught in a 4x4 inch box! In my opinion ( and probably in the opinion of a multitude of people) ; it is super important to let people explore who they are and let them build their personality without being judgemental towards their decision. Letting others grab at an opportunity of knowing themselves better is like letting them breathe and don't you think that breathing seems like a pretty important task?Maybe if all of us tried looking beyond a person's clothing we will start appreciating them as a person. I mean who cares what you are wearing; don't we have bigger problem like pollution, pandemic, unemployment, child labour to think about and handle ? It's almost the end of 2020 and it feels like the world is going through apocalypse and all we are doing is sitting around and throwing shade on people for their dressing choices! In all honesty I find this to be ridiculous and absurd.
In my opinion if you don't like to be judged and questioned for your life choices then you should give others the freedom of living their life according to their wishes as well, because if you don't then that will be sheer hypocrisy on your part. Living a comfortable life is not about living inside the barriers made by the society, it is about breaking them and finding your true identity along the way. The people who try out androgynous apparel are most probably the ones who are trying to break these barriers. So let them do that and support them through it, and if you can't then don't degrade them for their choices. Try and understand that they are trying to make something new workout in their lives so that they can be at peace with their existence and be comfortable in their own skin. I am sure that taking such bold steps is a hard task in itself so people throwing questions at them and making them feel like they 'don't fit in' just makes it harder for them.
Just a teeny-tiny request to whosoever is reading this: please do your bit to make the world a more comfortable place to live in. There is already a lot of hate in the society so giving people some tranquility, acceptance and love can be a step to reducing it.
Have a happy day!
If only more people would understand this!!!!! I hope this message reaches everyone!!!!